Şirket   :   Abdioğulları Plastic and Packaging Industry Co.

Abdioğulları Plastic and Packaging Industry Co.

Abdioğulları Plastik ve Ambalaj Sanayi A.Ş. 1963 yılından bu yana en son teknolojiye sahip dokuma ve örme ambalaj ürünleri üreticisidir. Gelişmeleri yakından takip eden, inovasyon ve Ar-Ge faaliyetlerine önem veren ABCO, dokuma ve örme plastik ambalaj ürünlerinin en büyük üreticilerinden biridir. Türkiye'de tarımsal ve endüstriyel sicimlere ek olarak 1.800 çalışanı ve 9 tesisi kapsayan yakl. 400.000m2 alan.
ABCO tarafından kurulan Filpa Ambalaj Sanayi ve Taşımacılık Ticaret A.Ş. başta Avrupa ülkeleri olmak üzere 60 ülkeye ihracat yaparak ülke ekonomisine katkı sağlamaktadır.
ABCO, üretimi Starlinger/Avusturya, Itema/İsviçre, Karl Mayer/Almanya'dan en son teknoloji ürünü makinelerle gerçekleştirmektedir.
Başlıca ürünlerimiz;
· PP Birincil / İkincil / Suni Çim Halı Altlığı
· PP Dokuma Kumaş (Lamineli veya laminesiz)
· PP Dokuma Torbalar (Lamineli veya laminesiz)
· PP Leno Çantalar
· PP Adstar Blok Alt Torbalar (Otomatik dolum sistemleri için Kendiliğinden Kapanan Valf Torbaları)
· PP İpleri (Baler İpi, Bağlama İpi, vb.)
· PE Raşel Torbalar
· PE Gölgelik Ağları, Monofilament Koruma Ağları, Dolu Önleyici Ağlar
· Ambalaj ve tarım için PE Film
· Balya Ağı

Abdioğulları Plastic and Packaging Industry Co.



We have 3 different products used in the production of artificial turf carpets produced for sports and land scaping purposes;

• Turfback (PrimaryCarpetBacking + Needledwith PP or PES Fiber)

• Trioback (PrimaryCarpetBacking+ SecondaryCarpetBacking + Needledwith PP or PES Fiber)

• Fixbond (DoubleLayerStitchedPrimaryCarpetBacking)

• Twinturf (DoubleLayerPrimaryCarpetBacking + Needledwith PP or PES Fiber))

Balya İpi - Tarımsal



• 1 kg=330m. 1 bobin = en az 1600m.

• %100 orijinal polipropilenden üretilmiştir.

• Elyaflı UV katkısı.

• Taşıma kapasitesi 100 kg'dır.

• Lifleri ağ şeklinde birbirine bağlıdır.

• Dikişsiz ve düğümsüzdür.

• Kasideden çözülmez.

• Yüksek güç.

• 5 Kg'lık şrink filmli bobinlerde, her biri 2 kutu olarak ambalajlanmıştır.

Kullanım alanları

• Saman ve ot balyası üretiminde

• Alçak tünel seralarda kuşak olarak kullanılır.

Construction Protection Scrafolding Net



• It is used as a protection net in constructions, ports, parking lots and sportsfields.

• It is produced in the desired length and in any color.

Usage areas

• It is used as a protection net in constructions, ports, parking lots and sports fields.



Our felt product, which we have produced under the brand name Feltback, is used in the covering of the back part of thewall-to-wall (tufting) carpets in contact with the ground.

This product, which can be producedupto 520 cm wide, can be produced in different colors and weights according to customer demands.



Our Filback brand primary carpet backing product, which we started to produce in our European-originlines in 2013, is the first input of wall-to-wall carpets and bathmats, and is an indispensable part of these carpets like the yarns used in weaving. “Primary Carpet Base” directly affects the weaving, pattern, strength and dimensional stability of the carpet, and thus the quality of the carpet.

It is a product that can be produced in different widths, frequencies and colors from 212 cm to 525 cm according to customer demands.

Rollwindings of 1000 m, 1200 m, 1800 m, 2400 m lengths can be adjusted to suit optimal level loadings.

Geotextile Base Fabric


Our geotextile base cloth product, which we have produced under the brand name of Geopro;

Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Landfills

• In Irrigation Channels and Water Transfer Lines

• In dams

• In Ponds and Pools

• In Foundation Insulation

• In Flood Controls

It is used as a geo synthetic barrier with its high imperme ability feature.

Havalandırmalı PP Şeffaf Çanta



• Torbada taze ürünlerin terlemesini önlemek için dört kanal bulunmaktadır.
• Bu kanallar çuval içindeki havanın homojen dağılımını sağlar.
• Son teknoloji dairesel tezgahlarda dokunmaktadır.
Kullanım alanları

• Gıda endüstrisi; Patates, Patlıcan, Salatalık, Havuç, Lahana, Biber, Erik.

HDPE Bale Net

Bale Net


• It is used for baling products such as Straw, Grass, Straw, Silage, Sugar Beet Pulp, Alfalfa, Vetch in rolls.

• It is produced with 100% Polyethylene raw material.

• We have started the production of our farmers and traders in 2021 with Abco quality known for high-tech Karl Mayer brand machines.

HDPE Monoflament Net



• It is produced from 100% original HDPE with UV additive.

• Its Standard color is black or white. It can be produced in desired colors.

• It is produced in rolls of 100-500 cm width and 500 meters Standard length for Sun Net, Hail Net and Bird Net.

• It is produced in rolls of 100-800 cm width and 200-500 mt Standard length for Bee Net.

• It is used form any years thanks to its monofilament feature.

• It is reinforced in the middle and two sides of the fabric to prevent tearing and wear.

• Optionally, fixing holes can be made where there are edge reinforcements.

• It provides an optimal level of air passage.


Shading rates

• It is 15-22% in black for Sun Net.

• For Full Net, it is 8-10% on white.


Usage areas

For Sun Net;

• Agricultural Industry; Fruit and Vegetable Gardens

 For Anti Hail Net;

• It is used to prevent sun burn and/or damage caused by hail, which is seen in orchards and causes loss of value in theproduct.

• It is also used as a protection net in constructions, ports, parking lots and sportsfields.

For Bird Net;

• It is used to prevent the damage caused by flocks of birds to fruits. It is especiallyused in vine yards.


For Bee Net;

• It provides protection against harmful pests (bees, butterflies, flies, etc.) in gardening, greenhouse and animal husbandry.

• It prevents the bees used for fertilization in tomato greenhouses from leaving the greenhouse.

• It is especiallyused in vineyards.

HDPE Shade Net



• Shade Net is produced in rolls of Standard lengths of 100-800 cm and 200 meters for 40% and 60%.

• Shade Net is produced in rolls of 100-400 cm and 100 meters in Standard lengths for 75%.

• Shade Net is produced in rolls of 100-500 cm and 100 meters in Standard lengths for 95%.

• It can be produced up to 320 gr/m2 for Shadow Net 95% Mono Plus.

• Dark green, gren and black are the most preferred colors. It can be produced in desired colors.

• Provides protection against sun rays.

• It provides an optimal level of airpassage.

• It provides equal shading in all areas.

• It can be used form any years due to 100% original raw material and UV additive.

• It is packaged in folded form to provide transportation and storage advantages.

Usage areas

• It is used in horticulture, greenhousecultivation, landscaping, floriculture and animal husbandry.

• It is used as canopy and windshield in touristic beaches, sports fields, pools and parking lots.

• It is used as a protection net in constructions, ports, parking lots and sports fields.

JRY PP Fibrilated Yarn


PP Fibrilated Yarn, which is used as weft and warp yarn according to the type of carpet in the weaving of outdoor carpets, ensures that outdoor carpets last for a long time thanks to the UV process. It can be produced as twisted or untwisted according to customer demands. The consistency of the yarn ensures efficient production and low shrinkage.

Leno Bag (With or without Label)



• It is designed in such a way as to enable the introduction of the product without impairing the function of the packaging.

• The smooth surface of the leno bag fabric woven on the round loom protects the delicate surface of fruits and vegetables.

• It is the ideal packaging for perishable products with its maximum breathing feature.

  • It is also produce with label on bags. 

Usage areas

• Food Industry; Onion, Potato, Vegetable, Fruit, Citrus

PE Isı Perdesi Filmi

Isı Perdesi Filmi

• Tüketici talebine göre delikli veya deliksiz film üretilebilir.


• Isı Perdesi Filmi, ısı kaybını ve sera örtüsü üzerinde yoğunlaşan su damlacıklarının bitkiler üzerine damlamasını azaltmak için sera içinde kullanılmaktadır.

• İnce, şeffaf ve yüksek mekanik özellikleri sayesinde güçlü ve esnek bir yapıya sahiptir.

PE Malç Filmi

Malç Filmi


• Toprağı örtmek için malç filmleri kullanılır, böylece yabancı otların gelişimi engellenir. Ve ayrıca;

• Toprağın kuruması engellenir.

• Suyun toprak yüzeyinden buharlaşması engellenir. Toprağın sıcaklığının korunması sağlanır.

• Meyve ve bitkilerin toprakla teması engellenerek kirlilik önlenir.

• Malç Filmler CO-EX 5 katman teknolojisi ile Siyah, Siyah-Gümüş ve Şeffaf olarak üretilmektedir.

PE Sera Filmi

Sera Filmi


• Yeşil Ev; İçinde yetişen bitkinin iklim koşullarının etkisi ne olursa olsun yılın her döneminde ısı, ışık ve nem gibi parametrelerin kontrol altında tutulduğu özel bir yapıdır.

• Örtüaltında üretilen ürün grubunun artması örtü altı yetiştiriciliğinde farklı taleplere yol açmıştır. Dar alanlarda örtü altı yetiştiriciliğinde birim alandan maksimum verim almak isteyen çiftçiler, Standart ürünler talep etmek yerine ürettikleri ürüne göre katkılı örtücü örtü talep etmeye başlamışlardır.

• Teknolojinin gelişmesine paralel olarak artık CO-EX 5 katmanlı teknolojisi ile daha uzun ömürlü, içerdikleri farklı katkı maddeleri ile pestisit ve istenmeyen yabancı otların kullanımını azaltan, zararlı haşerelerle mücadele eden ürünler üretiyoruz.

• Bölgesel ihtiyaç ve taleplere göre belirlenen sera filmlerimiz dışında isteğe bağlı olarak farklı katkı ve özelliklerde CO-EX 5 katlı makinalarımızda sera örtüsü üretimi yapılmaktadır.

PE Shrink Film



CO-EX is produced in 5 layers with the latest technology machines.

• Abco-Fil Shrink Films are heat treated to gether with the products, wrapping them tightly according to the shape of the product and preventing it from dispersing.

• Water, Beverage, Milk and Dairy Products, Mineral Water, Food, Textile, Ceramics, Forest Products, white appliance setc. used in industries.

• According to customer demand, it is produced in the desired width and micron, in the form of rolls.

• Our Abco-Fil Shrink Films are odorless, tasteless and impactresistant.

• Our Shrink Films willin crease your sales volume thanks to their high transparency and gloss feature.

• Damages caused by adverse environmental conditions such as sun rays, rain, wind, dust are minimized with our shrink films.

• Products packed with Abco-Fil Shrink Film have a long shelf life.

• The most ideal form of packaging for long-distance transportation is Shrink Film.

• Our Shrink Films are environmentally friendly products that do not harm human health and are 100% recyclable.

PE Silaj Streç

Silaj Streç


• Silaj, sudan zengin yemlerin laktik asit bakterilerinin etkisiyle havasız bir ortamda fermantasyonu (ekşimesi) sonucu elde edilen bir yemdir. Beslenen ürünün belli bir boyuta indirilip balya haline getirildikten sonra bir makine vasıtasıyla streç ile sarılması işlemidir.

Silaj Stretch'in standart özellikleri müşteri talebine göre değişmekle birlikte aşağıdaki gibidir.

• Beyaz, Yeşil ve Siyah renklerde üretilmektedir.

• Delinmeye karşı dayanıklıdır.

• UV dayanımı yüksektir.

• Yapışma performansı yüksektir.

• Tüm sarım makinelerine uygundur.

PE Solarizasyon Filmi

Solarizasyon Filmi


• Solarizasyon uygulaması, Güneş'in ısı enerjisinden yararlanılarak yapılan toprağın dezenfekte edilmesi işlemidir.

• Bu uygulamanın amacı; topraktaki patojenleri, nematodları ve yabancı ot tohumlarını sıcaklık ve nem yoluyla nötralize etmek.

• İlaç kullanımını azalttığı için hem ekonomik hem de çevre dostu bir üründür.

• Bölgesel ihtiyaç ve taleplere göre hazırlanan reçete ile CO-EX 5-layer teknolojisi ile üretilmektedir.

PP Ambalaj Sicimi



• Paket ve kutu paketleme için özel olarak üretilmiştir.

• Genellikle beyaz renkli olup 1 Kg ve 2 Kg bobinlerde şrink ambalajlarda sunulmaktadır.

• %100 orijinal polipropilenden üretilmiştir.

• Fibrillenmiş.

• Lifleri ağ şeklinde birbirine bağlıdır.

• Dikişsiz ve düğümsüzdür.

• Düğümden çözülmemiştir.

• Yüksek güç.




• Bags with a width of 25-85 cm can be produced.

• It can be produced as overlocked or hot cut.

• Flexo printing can be done up to 6 colors from roll to roll.

• It can be packed in bales of 500 and 1000 pieces.

• It can be produced in rolls (tubular) in the form of hosefabric.

• It can be produced in desired colors.

• UV stabilizer can be added.

• PE innerbag can be added with cuff fold or seamseam.


• It is suitable for packaging all kinds of agricultural and industrial products such as flour, feed, sugar, salt, bran, legumes and fertilizer.

PP BigBag Fabric

PP BigBag Fabric


• Our BigBag Fabric product, which is used in the manufacture of BigBag Sacks / Bags, which is used especially in the transportation of large tonnage products, is produced with and without laminated in line with customer demand.

• It is producedwith UV additive.

 • Bigbag Fabrics that we have manufactured; It is suitable for Sacks / Bags produced to be used in the transportation and storage of Construction, Fertilizer, Cement, Pharmaceuticals, Mining, Chemicals and food products.

PP Block Bottom Bag




• Automatic filling valve; The bag is equipped with a self-closing valve that facilitates filling.

• Due to the microperforated woven structure and lamination for air permeability with laminated water and moisture resistant; Multi-color custom printing is possible.

• It is resistant to tearing -explosion.

• With its bag block base, it makes automatic or manual filling suitable.

• After filling, the packaged product takes the form of blocks, so there is no loss of space in transportation and storage.

Usage areas

• Cement industry; portland cement, white cement, dry concrete mix cement, ready mix products

• Mineral industry; Calcite, gypsum, lime, other powder and granular products

• Chemicals and Petro chemical industry; construction chemicals, casting powders, polymer granules, other powders and granules, fertilizer, organic fertilizer

• Food industry; flour, starch, grain, sugar, pulses

• Agricultural industry; animal feed, seed

PP Fabrics



• It can be produced in 25-85 cm widths.

• Packed in 5000 mt rolls.

These fabrics can be also produce as transparent, jumbo or laminated. 

PP Ground Cover



• It is produced in black color as standard, it can be produced in desired colors.

• It is used in landscaping, hobby gardens, greenhouse or animalhusbandry.

• It prevents fungal (fusorium) disease that may occur in greenhouses.

• It is used in garden, park arrangement, orchids and nurseries.

• It is used for drying agricultural products.

• It absorbss unlight, thus reducing photo synthesis and inhibiting the growth of weeds.

• It can be produced between 30 cm and 375 cm wide.

• It is UV added.

PP Insulation Fabric



• It is used as an intermediatevlayer and insulation material in the construction industry and in every area requiring insulation, thanks to its special raw material composition and its weaving feature that can be used for many years.

Usage area:

• It is used on roofs, basements, artificial lakes and ponds, roofs and foundations.

PP Jumbo Bag

PP Jumbo (Harar) Bag


• Sacks with a width of 90-155 cm can be produced.

• It can be produced in desired colors.

• It can be produced as overlocked or hot cut.

• Packed in bales of 250 and 500 pieces.

• It can be produced in rolls (tubular) in the form of hosefabric.

• UV stabilizer can be added.

• Box sack can be made.

Usage areas

• It is used for packaging purposes in the textile and agriculture sector.




• Bags with a width of 35-75 cm can be produced.

• UV stabilizer can be added upon customer request.

• Its mouth can be produced as coldcut.

• Flexoprinting can be done upto 6 colors from roll to roll.

• It can be packed in bales of 500 and 1000 pieces.

• It can be produced in the form of hosefabric in rolls (tubular).

• It can be produced in desiredcolors.

Usage areas

• It is suitable for packaging all kinds of food, agricultural and industrial products such as flour, feed, sugar, pulses, starch, coal, fertilizer, seeds, chemicalgranules, sand.

PP Reinforced Grape Cover



• Covers produced with reinforced edges are resistant to tearing.

• The smooth surface of the weaving does not harm the grapes.

• Grapes covered; It is protected from heat, dust, dew, hail, excessive precipitation and pests.

•Covers protect the vine yards from external factors and provide efficient grape harvest with high quality and taste.

Usage areas

• Agricultural Industry; vineyards



Our  Dynamicback brand secondary carpet backing product, which we started to produce in our European originlines in 2013, is used in the covering of the back part of thewall-to-wall (tufting) carpets in contact with the ground.

This product, which can be produced up to 525 cm wide, can be produced in different colorsand patterns according to customer demands.

Rolls of 1000 m, 1200 m, 1800 m, 2400 m lengths can be adjustedto suit optimal loadings.

PP Transparent Bag



• Bags with a width of 25-85 cm can be produced.

• Its mouth is overlocked or hot cut.

• It is packed in bales of 1000 pieces and the bales are covered with PP fabric.

• It is possible to print on both sides in the desired color.

• It is UV protected.


• Suitable for packaging vegetables such as potato, pepper, plum, cucumber, bean, eggplant, redcabbage.

Prizmatik Balya Sicimi



• UV katkılı olarak fibrilize ve üretilmiştir.

• Yağmura, güneşe ve diğer dış etkenlere karşı dayanıklıdır.

• İç ucundan çekilerek kullanılan bobinler son metreye kadar dağılmamaları için özel olarak paketlenmektedir.

• Bobinler eksiksiz ve düğümsüzdür.

• Yüksek güç.

• Otomatik balya makineleri için uygundur.

Kullanım alanları

• Tarım endüstrisi; buğday, arpa, yulaf, mısır, alf alfa



Our Fineback brandsprout secondary carpet backing product is used for covering the back part of tufting carpets in contact with the ground.

This product, which can be produced up to 510 cm wide, can be produced in different colors and patterns according to customer demands.

Rolls of 1000 m, 1200 m, 1800 m, 2400 m lengths can be adjusted to suit optimal loadings.

Sera Sicimi



• %100 orijinal polipropilenden üretilmiştir.

• fibrile

• UV katkılıdır.

• Lifleri ağ şeklinde birbirine bağlıdır.

• Yüksek güç.

• 1 kg'lık bobinlerde shrinkli çuvallarda paketlenir.

Kullanım alanları

• Domates, biber, salatalık, fasulye vb. Seralarda sebze bağlamada kullanılır.




• It can be produced in any desired color.

• It can be produced as 3 mt, 4,18 mt, 5,18 mt and multiples of that.

• It is possible to produce in rolls of desired length.

• It can also be used as a bag with special L stitching.


Usage areas

• It can be used as an olive plantation.

Ventilated PP Big-Bag Fabric



• Ventilated BigBag Fabric is suitable for bags / sacks used mainly in the transportation and storage of Agricultural and Food products.

• It can be produced in different technical specifications for different production areas according to the usage purposes.

• This fabric is produced from perforated Polypropylene yarns with longitudinal stripes specially designed during weaving to allow the air flow to pass in to the fabric.

ISO 9001 2015 EN

ISO 9001 2015 TR

ISO 22000 2018 EN

ISO 22000 2018 TR

ISO 50001 2018 - ABCO ( TÜV NORD )

ISO 27001 2013 - ABCO ( SGS )

ISO 14001 2015 - ABCO ( TUV NORD )

ISO 45001 2018 - ABCO ( TUV NORD )


ABCO COVID19 Safe Production EN

FILPa TSE COVID 19 Safe Production

Design Type Approval

TS EN ISO 4167 - 018238-TSE-01-01

TSE EN 277 - 018238-TSE-02-01

TSEK 312 - 018238-TSEK-02-02

TSEK 018238 TSEK 03-01

TSEK 018238 TSEK 04-01

TSEK 18238 TSE 03-01


AOSB AIPEXPORT Adana Endüstri Parkı

Sürekli büyüyen, genişleyen, katma değer yaratan, farklı sektörlerdeki istihdam alanları ile Türkiye'nin istikrarlı büyümesine katkıda bulunan Adana Hacı Sabancı Endüstri Parkı (AOSB), sanayinin yükselen değeri olarak Türkiye'ye güç vermeye devam ediyor.